Training and Coaching in the Workplace

The aim of this course is to assist practising managers to develop their understanding of training and coaching in the workplace and how this can assist the development of their teams.
This one day course can be delivered as part of an ILM accreditation or tailored to suit specific organisational requirements:

By the end of this course, you will:

Understand how to provide training appropriate to the workplace by:

  • Explaining how to identify the training needs for individuals in the workplace
  • Describing training techniques appropriate to the workplace
  • Explaining how knowledge of different learning styles can assist when training individuals in the workplace
  • Describing a method of evaluating the effectiveness of training
  • Describing how to maintain training records in the workplace

Understand how to coach an individual in an organisation by:

  • Explaining how to identify the coaching needs for individuals in the workplace
  • Explaining how to plan the coaching for an individual in the workplace
  • Explaining the importance of feedback in coaching
  • Describing a method of evaluating the effectiveness of coaching in the workplace