The Agile Manager

Managing the “new normal”

This one day course (delivered across two 1⁄2 days) has been developed to help managers become more confident and effective in managing remote and hybrid working situations.

The session focuses on the challenges managers face when leading a flexible working team and working within a blended working environment. We will identify strategies and tools to overcome the challenges of both manager and team member whilst enhancing and developing the skills required to manage and lead effectively in the new normal.

A highly interactive session delivered virtually using activities, discussion, case studies and a practical approach to development of skills.

Part 1

Welcome, Introduction and what’s in it for me?

  • Who’s who – getting to know you
  • Aims and objectives of the session
  • What’s in it for me?

A changing workplace – the “new normal” manager

  • Why effective management is even more important when managing remotely
  • Identifying the challenges faced when managing a remote or hybrid working team
  • Appreciating the challenges a remote/hybrid working team experience in having a remote manager
  • Discovering strategies and tools to assist both manager and team member
  • Experiencing different perspectives of what it is like to work in the new normal
  • Key areas to work and reflect on

Part 2

Rising to the challenge – developing skills to meet future needs

  • Understanding the enhanced skills required when managing remotely
  • Developing enhanced skills to achieve the outcome you seek around leadership, communication, managing change, relationship building, coaching, delegating and trust
  • Supporting you as managers in an ever changing workplace

Summary and Toolkit

  • Observations and Reflection on key learning points
  • Developing a robust personal and team action plan